Performing a Criteria Search

The Criteria Search enables you to search for bonds using criteria you specify. You can perform a basic search using commonly used criteria or a more comprehensive search using an extensive list of criteria based on the asset class or classes in which you are interested.

To perform a criteria search:

  1. Click the Criteria Search tab.

  2. Toggle the criteria display as desired by clicking the criteria links.

  3. Select at least one asset class in the required Asset Class field.

    If you are viewing advanced search criteria, expandable/collapsible panels are displayed based on your selection. If you select Corporate, for example, a panel labeled Corporate Bonds (Industry, Convertibles, Foreign Bonds) is displayed.

  4. Select one or more state check boxes in the State (Munis) drop-down list if you select Municipal in the Asset Class field.

    To include all states in the search, use the default selection Select All.

  5. Use the Name or CUSIP field to perform a text search, if desired.

    Because the contents of these fields are used literally, you may inadvertently constrain the search and not return any results if you specify additional values.  For example, if you enter a CUSIP and then specify a coupon, the CUSIP will not be returned if it does not have the same coupon. The search will not return any results.
    If you search for bonds using a text value and do not receive any results, review all of your search criteria entries to identify any conflicts.
  6. Copy and paste multiple CUSIPs into the CUSIP field, if desired.

  7. Collapse and expand sections as necessary to view the available search criteria.

  8. Define the search criteria.

  9. Use the Help glossary to find definitions for data fields.

  10. Click Find Bonds to start the search. The Search Results page returns bonds that match your selection criteria.


Related Topics


Finding Bonds


Performing a Basic Search


Bid-Side Only Searching


Ask-Side Only Searching


Copying and Pasting Multiple CUSIPs to the CUSIP Field


Excluding  Issuers and CUSIPs from Search Results


Saving a Search