Data Entry Fields

Required vs. Optional fields

Required fields are identified by a red asterisk (*). All others are optional.

multiSelectCheckBox.pngMulti-select check boxes

Specifying values in a multi-select check box involves the following steps:

  1. Click the arrow on the field to display the options.
  2. Select the check box for each option you want to include.
  3. Click Select All to automatically select all check boxes. Click the clear all link to clear all check boxes.
  4. Click Cancel to close the drop-down list without saving your entries.
  5. Click OK to close the drop-down list and retain your entries. You can also click outside the drop-down list or click the arrow again.

Your selections are displayed in the field, separated by commas




Date fieldscalendar.png

Calendars are available to specify dates. To use a calendar:

  1. Click the icon at the end of the field to display the calendar.
  2. Use the date and month arrows to scroll to the appropriate date.
  3. Identify the current date, which is outlined in red.
  4. Identify the default date, which is outlined in blue.
  5. Click the desired date. Click Today to select the current date. The calendar closes and the date you selected is displayed.

You can also enter a date in mm/dd/yyyy format in the entry field.



Maturity is a positive whole number followed which can:


Quantity is a positive whole number.


Coupon can be a whole number, decimal or fractional value (i.e., 5/32). Up to three decimal places can be used.


Price can be a whole number, decimal or fractional value (i.e., 5/32). Up to three decimal places can be used.

Yield, Yield to Worst, Yield to Maturity

Yield values (Yield, Yield to Worst, Yield to Maturity) can be a whole number, decimal or fractional value (i.e., 5/32). Up to three decimal places can be used.



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Performing a Criteria Search


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