Watching Saved Searches

You can add an existing saved search to your watched items from the My Saved Searches tab of the Organize page. Select the search and then click addSelectedTo.png.

To add a saved search to your watched items:

  1. Select the search in the My Saved Searches tab.

  2. Click addSelectedTo.png to display a drop-down menu.

  3. Select the My Watched Searches option from the menu. The Add Search to My Watched Items dialog box is displayed.

  4. Complete the dialog box.

    1. Enter or select a client or account to associate with the search, if desired.

    2. Enter a note about the search, if desired.

  5. Click Save. The dialog box is closed and the watched item icon (binoculars.png) is added to the search name in the My Saved Searches tab and the Saved Searches tab in the Home and Find Bonds pages.  A line item is also added to the Active Watched Items dashboard.


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About Watched Items


Adding Bonds to Your Watched Items


Adding Searches to Your Watched Items


Saving a Search


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