The State Search tab, which is available in the Search for Bonds panel of the Home page and the Find Bonds panel of the Find Bonds page enables you to find municipal bonds by state. More commonly referred to as the "Muni Map," this tab displays a color-coded map of the United States where each color represents a state tax rate.
"Bubbles" represent the Northeastern states, which are also color-coded by state tax rate. Links to each U.S. territory that issues bonds are also included in the map. In addition to the states and territory links, additional search criteria are available to enable you to refine your search to meet specific needs.
To search for municipal bonds using the Muni Map:
Click the state(s) or territory(ies) in whose
bonds you are interested. The color of the selected items changes
to white.
Your selections remain selected until you click them again or until
you click the Clear button
Click Find Bonds to return all municipal bonds for the selections.
To narrow the search, however, complete one or more of the search criteria fields and then click Find Bonds.
To return municipal bonds with a specific maturity range, for example, complete the Maturity fields.
To return bonds with a specific coupon range, complete the Coupon fields.
To include or exclude internal inventory, select the appropriate check box.
To return bonds based on whether or not they are investment grade, click the appropriate button in the Rating Quick Set.
The Search Results page returns the municipal bonds issued by the states and/or territories you selected that match the search criteria you specified.