The Search Results graph represents the returned offerings as data points on a scatter graph.
The Y-axis is labeled Yield to Worst and represents yield basis points.
The X-axis is labeled Maturity and displays maturity intervals. Each point includes the month and the year in mm/yyyy format.
All bonds with an offer, up to 1,000 offerings, are represented in the graph. If more than 1,000 offerings are found by the search, you are instructed to narrow the search.
Offerings can be presented in different groupings. The data points used in the graph are represented by different shapes and colors based on the offering group selected.
Offerings with a 0% yield (i.e., CMOs) or no maturity (i.e., Preferreds) are not represented in the graph.
Bonds with a bid only side are not represented in the graph.
You can optionally enlarge, or zoom, an area of the graph.
Hover over a data point to display the Bond Detail rollover for the associated bond.
Click a data point to display the Bond Offering Detail tab of the Bond Offering Detail overlay.