The Bond Compare overlay contains features that enable you to compare up to five bonds using a variety of criteria. Information is presented in a table that contains:
One column for each bond. The bond in the first column is the "reference" bond. All comparisons are made against this bond. To change the reference bond, drag the new reference bond to the first column.
One row for each piece of information being compared, grouped into expandable/ collapsible sections. To collapse a section, click the Collapse icon (). To expand a section, click the Expand icon ().
Only the values displayed in the Comparison (Ask) section are relative to the reference bond. Red and green arrows are displayed in this section to quickly identify comparisons between the reference bond and the others included in the comparison.
Fields in the Yield Calculator (Ask) section enable you to evaluate different sales scenarios. You can enter different values in either or both the Sales Credit and Sales Credit Basis fields and then click Recalculate to view how these changes may affect your trade decisions.
The Yield to Worst, Yield To Maturity, and Price fields are updated in the Price/Yield (Ask) section when values are recalculated. The value in the Price field represents the net of all sales costs.
The Recent Trades section contains values if you have access to the MarketView service.
Fields in the Analytics (Ask) action are updated when values are recalculated.
Use the Help glossary to find definitions for data fields.
You can select bonds to compare in the Search Results and View List - [List Name] pages.