Maintaining Watched Item Rules

The Watch Selected Bonds dialog box enables you to add, delete, and modify rules for watched items. It contains a row for each bond selected. Directions for adding, deleting, and modifying a rule or associating multiple bonds with the same client/account and/or note follow.

Adding Rules for a Watched Item

  1. Display the Watch Selected Bonds dialog box from the Search Results page, the View List page, or the My Watched Items tab of the Organize page.

  2. Select an event to watch for in the Notify when drop-down list box for each bond contained in the dialog box.

  3. Enter the level the event must reach to trigger an alert in the Criteria field.

  4. Enter or select a client or account to associate with the rule in the Client/Account field.  When you enter a value here, it is added to the drop-down list, enabling you to select it again at a later time.

  5. Add a note for the watched item if desired by clicking the Add Note link in the Note field.  A Notes dialog box is displayed. Add the note content in the dialog box.  Then click applyClose.png.

  6. Click the Add Rule button (addRule.png) to watch a bond for more than one condition.

  7. Repeat steps 2 through 5 for each rule for the selected bond.

  8. Click cancel.png to close the Watch Selected Bonds dialog box without saving any entries.

  9. Click addWatchedItems.png to save your selections. A confirmation message is displayed. The My Watched Items tab is updated to display the added items.

Deleting Rules and Bonds from your Watched Items List

  1. Display the Watch Selected Bonds dialog box. (See step 1 above if you need additional directions.)

  2. Select the check box associated with each rule and bond you want to delete.

  3. Click Delete Selected. A confirmation message is displayed.

  4. Click Yes, remove items to delete the selected rules. Click No to leave the rules unchanged.

  5. Click Cancel to close the dialog box.

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Modifying Rules for a Watched Item

  1. Display the Watch Selected Bonds dialog box. (See step 1 above if you need additional directions.)
  2. Make the necessary corrections.

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Associating a Client, Account, or Note with Multiple Bonds

  1. Display the Watch Selected Bonds dialog box. (See step 1 above if you need additional directions.)

  2. Select the check box of each bond to associate with the same client, account, or note.

  3. Click associateTo.png. The unlabeled Associate Selected To dialog box is displayed.

  4. Enter or select the account or client to associate with the selected bonds in the Client/Account field.

  5. Enter a note to associate with the selected bonds in the Note field.

  6. Click cancel.png to cancel your entries and close the dialog box.

  7. Click apply.png to save your entries and close the dialog box.

    The Watch Selected Bonds overlay is updated with the dialog box contents.

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Related Topics


Adding Bonds to your Watched Items