The Messages panel of the Home page displays your most recent messages. It is a feature of BondWorks monitoring and alerting capability that enables you to easily keep track of order, request, and watched item activity. You can also keep track of communications between other workstation users.
This panel is similar to the New Messages overlay available from the EasyNav tool bar
Order status, request status, watched item, and status note alerts may appear in the panel. A description of each message type follows.
A watched items alert indicates a watched item has triggered an alert. The alert includes the name of the item being watched, the criteria being watched, the criteria level that must be achieved to trigger the alert, and additional information based on the item being watched. Click the Go to Active Watched Items link to display the Active Watched Items dashboard.
An allocation created alert indicates an allocation has been created for a specified CUSIP. The alert includes the name and number of the allocated CUSIP and the quantity allocated. Click the CUSIP link to display the Bond Offering Detail overlay for the item. |
This type of alert indicates another user has sent you bond information. The alert includes the linked issue description, buy/sell price, buy/sell yield, buy/sell quantity, CUSIP, and bond sender. Click the issue description link to display the Bond Offering Detail overlay for the item. |
A list received alert indicates another user has sent you a list. The alert includes the linked list name and the list sender. Click the list name link to display the list contents in the View List page. |
This type of alert indicates another user has added a status note to a buy/sell ticket or bid/offer wanted request associated with you. The alert includes the linked order number, the issue description, note text, date and time the note was entered and by whom. Click the order number to view the associated Order/Request Detail overlay.
To view all messages, click the Messages tab.