Adding Bonds to a List

You can add bonds to a list from the Search Results page or the Bond Offering Detail tab.

tip.jpg Adding bonds to a list from the Search Results page of the Bond Offering Detail tab is different than adding a bond to a list in the View List  page. When you chose to add a bond in the View List page, you can add a bond that is not currently found on the ATS. You might want to add a bond that your client currently owns or a bond that you have made a watched item waiting for an offering to become available.


To add one or multiple bonds to a list:

  1. Select the bond or bonds to add to the list.

    The Add to <list type> List  dialog box is displayed, where <list type> is the list type you selected.

  2. Select the list to which you are adding the bonds.

  3. Select your next action.


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