Combining Lists

You can combine multiple lists into one in the Manage Lists page. You can optionally assign the new list to a customer or account and delete the original lists when the combined list is created.

To combine multiple lists:

  1. Select the check box in the left most column of the Manage Lists table for each list you want to combine.
  2. Click combineLists.png. The Combine Lists dialog box is displayed. It includes the name of each list you want to combine. View an example?

  3. Enter the name for the new list in the New Name field.
  4. Optionally assign the newly created list to a new customer or account using the Customer/Account drop-down list box.

  5. Indicate whether or not to delete the original lists after they are combined.

  6. Click Save to combine the lists. The newly created list is displayed in the Manage Lists table. The Notes field for the new list defaults to Combined list. You can optionally modify this text to something more meaningful.
  • If you combine different list types, the new list is saved as a Reminder List.

  • If you combine lists of the same type, the new list is saved as that list type.



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Managing Lists